What is hidden in the red rectangular frame?

It looks like a bunch of pins
In a red rectangular frame
What should I make out of it?
Let me try and play

I press my palm on cold steels
And watch as the shape formed
The shiny thing followed what I gave
I saw my hands transformed

The world mimics what we think
The universe delivers what we order
Let us declare what’s in our hearts
So our dreams will not go wander

Life is Full of Opportunities

This pizza has a story. My family wants pineapple on our pizza and Al Bahar made it possible when we ordered our Margherita. The business establishment didn’t only make us happy to eat what was served but they sure made us feel special for delivering our request.

If we LISTEN carefully, life gives us a lot of opportunities to delight someone with what we do best.

Inspired by WordPress – Weekly Photo Challenge: Opportunity

Enter Into A 360 Experience

We should be receptive for new experience and enjoy everything. Entering the unknown would give us the boost to take on the next challenge and then the next best thing.

This post was inspired by Erica Johnson of WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: Entrance. The photos were taken during a trip to Hong Kong and I rode the Ngong Ping 360 Crystal Cabin to see the view of Lantau Island for the first time in all angles possible.

Joined since August 5, 2011

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